Friday, February 27, 2009

That Guy from the Odyssey

I've been to a lot of cities in the past few years. Strolled the streets of Paris whilst Sarkozy haters threw stale bread at passer-bys, dodged the piss from a tramp at the footsteps of London's famous Jazz Cafe, Camden town (it's burning down), and partied at every dodgy bar south of fifth in New York City.

Temporarily parked in Gainesville, FL, I'm contemplating the meaning of all of it. Is it odd that I don't feel right when I'm not thinking of the next place I want to go? That I don't care about financial security and home ownership? I've done some risk analysis. Far as I can see, I'm lucky I've made it this long. So why am I going to stop now and think about stabilization? I haven't been to Thailand yet! Sailed the seas of Croatia! Thrown a plate on the ground and yelled, "Opa!" (At least not in the appropriate context). So as I sit here, at my desk, listening to an imitation Asian "waterfall" fountain with the sweet sound of classical guitar music in the background, I ask myself WHAT DOES IT ALL MEAN?! I seek the answers from all resources. Spiritual intervention included. Pretty standard if you ask any real Catholic (aka Catholic Guilt).

I think sometimes I take the wrong parts of mass home with me. It's the Lenten season for us Catholics meaning for 40days and 40 nights we make personal sacrifices and suffer a bit in preparation for the resurrection and the Easter season. I don't want to lose anyone with religious facts and so I'll just cut to the chase; I was at church this morning as a Lenten sacrifice and, truth be told, I couldn't tell you what mass was about. What I can tell you is the 90 year old woman next to me had the pipes of an alley cat and burst into song amidst complete silence apres communion today. It was shocking! Why did I chose that fateful seat? Why? Right next to the 90 year old alley cat? I'm hearing her song in my head now, like a genuine Irish banshee I'm sure. Soon after, everyone joined in song. Mind you there was no organist. So that was sweet, but the best part was that it covered up the laughter from my mom who sat one pew over. (We were separated due to tardiness and a lack of seating upon arrival).

Needless to say the answers were not found in the chapel. I lost the plot with that one.

So I emailed my bestie:

-----Original Message-----
From: bexin(a)city
To: littledebbie
Sent: Fri, 27 Feb 2009 2:57 pm
Subject: happy friday betch

happy friday doodle!! wruv u xoxo. boring day at work today, dreaming about moving to europe. i feel it in my bones! i got the travel bug. maybe i am destined to be a traveler. is that an occupation?

From: littledebbie
To: bexin(a)city
Re: happy friday betch

Famous Travelers (by Occupation):

1) Christipher Columbus
2) Marco Polo
3) Magellan
4) That guy from the Odyssey
5) Poccohantas (she wanted to leave her village until she died- a lesson in hesitation)
6) Santa Claus (and his reindeer)
7) Gulliver


This list was both inspirational and easy to understand. I want to be just like numero 4. Brilliant. So I'm plotting my next move people. Look forward to some adventures.

First stop: London to visit my lover. Next stop: (I'm thinking) Spain; Somewhere coastal and scarcely populated.

Next stop? I'm putting my finger on a globe, and I'm spinning it.

Previous adventures in Morocco and Norway. I was hot as a mofo in one and freezing my ass off in the other.

*A disclaimer to my NY besti
es: you better believe that flight to London will have a layover in NYCizzle :).

1 comment:

  1. I miss you, we need to coordinate some of our travels! And let me show you how to party in DC!
